Rag Basket Babies

Rag Basket Babies
Just some of the Rag Basket Babies

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Once Again

I'm back again.  Still not doing anything real productive.  Ideas keep floating in my head and I keep buying patterns I just "have to have".  I am such a procrastinator.  I got all excited about crows and pumpkins and a pumpkin doll.  But now October is almost over and I want snowmen and santas!  A day late and a dollar short as my dad used to say.  

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I made a doll right after Christmas but wasn't too happy with the way she came out. So I put her aside and started reworking my pattern. I've got 2 slightly different bodies/heads in the works but haven't finished them yet.  In the meantime I decided to work on something entirely differently for a while.  I've always been fascinated with wool rug hooking but had decided that I just had too many interests at the time to get involved in one more.  I recently picked up a copy of Primitive Quilts and Other Projects and after seeing the wool rug projects in the magazine I took the plunge!  I got some wool skirts from the Salvation Army and washed and cut them up.  Then I drew a heart on some burlap, bid on and won a rug hook on eBay, watched some videos on you tube and have started hooking.  So far, so good.  It's been slow going, but like anything else, practice makes perfect!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

OK, so I haven't been on the blog in a while. Maybe this time I'll try keeping it up. It's been a cold, long winter here in the Southern Tier of New York State, as I'm sure it's been just about everywhere in the country. All I've wanted to do after getting home from work was to wrap myself up in a blanket and veg out in front of the wood stove while watching t.v. Now that there's more sunlight in the evening I actually feel like doing something! Unfortunately it's suppose to be in the 20's again next week! Isn't it Spring in 2 days?

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Spent the day cleaning up our old dining/living room, throwing junk away. It's incredible the amount of "stuff" I accummulate! I can't seem to get rid of anything! (hey, you never know when it'll come in handy). Had to remove some cat hairs from some of my Rag Basket Babies. It seems the cat has taken up sleeping on top of them by the window and I didn't realize it. It's hard to clean when Abby tries to go wherever I do. She's our 3 yo Chocolate Lab/Weimaraner mix we adopted last summer. I love her to pieces but she sure does want to be wherever I am!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Just Starting

I'm just starting up so it may take me awhile to get going on this. I primarily create primitive cloth dolls but sometimes will venture off into the whimsical and realistic aspects. Lately I've been working on large dolls. Right now my work in progress is about 50" - tall and skinny (something I've always aspired to be but unfortunately, in reality I'm short and round). I'll get back to this later! NeeSee